Monday, October 20, 2008

The Legacy...

I don't know how many of you have had the chance to drive on the Legacy Parkway, but I wonder if the Legacy it will leave behind is the amount of dead Raccoons on the side of the road. You cant drive more that 100 meters without seeing dead Raccoons. When the question about the number of Raccoons being killed in the area, the environmentalists just said the Raccoons are Feral animals and they only really were interested in protecting the waterfowl and wetland animals. This idea makes me wonder, why do so many people get upset if someone goes out an kills cats (which could also be considered feral animals). I don't think you can go anyplace without seeing homeless cats wandering around. But if someone decided to go out an run them over with their cars, I think PETA would be camped out protesting them as well as the cops showing up to press charges for animal cruelty.
But apparently this doesn't occur for the Raccoons. Apparently cats have a better PR director than the Raccoons.
I don't see PETA going out of their way to protest the Legacy Parkway over the Raccoon experiment. I wonder who decides what animals to protect and which animals not to protect.
All I know is this little guy might be riding your bumper on Legacy Parkway before the end of the week.


Anonymous said...

See how much cuter that animal is than the sloth? When I join PETA I'm going to endorse raccoons! And no wonder sloths are an endangered species. Who's going to protect you if you aren't cute??

And face it z, they aren't cute. They have green gunk on their body because they're too lazy to clean themselves. That's just gross!


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Scratz. I think it's terrible that there are dead raccoons everywhere. Crazy Bird Lovers.