Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back to work...

Since I haven’t done any really updates, I will do a few quick ones to cover the latest and greatest. Unfortunately I had a very short weekend and the majority of my time was filled by me trying to fix the computer. Just before we moved from the Magna house, I believe we had some type of electrical event. Whether it was a power outage or gremlins paling around, either way, because of this the motherboard on my Media Center died as well as a 500gb hard drive. The process of repairing the system after the motherboard was replaced has been a nightmare. All the while I kept being asked if the computer worked yet so the kids could watch a movie. Nothing helps the process go as smoothly without the continual question if it was fixed yet or not. Finally by this morning, the computer slightly worked enough for the kids to watch a movie so they are as “bored” as they have been. I will need to try and fix it again on my days off because it only kind of works.
-On further news, scratz keeps trying to have baby k before the pre-planned date. Hopefully baby k can learn a little patience and just stay put for another 10 days. If not, then she will be running the chance that I won’t be there when she is born. Luckily I hear that these days baby’s arrive potty trained and able to use an ipod at birth.

-We dropped by the “dirt patch” on Saturday to see if the construction people had started anything. Well there were 3 or 4 big tractors and they had knocked down all the weeds. They also had repainted all the markings on the ground for water, power, and sewer as well. ( we took pics, but I don’t have them downloaded yet) Scratz also picked a bunch of wildflowers from the backyard that she was going to keep. However, she left them in my car and they wilted (or melted) depending on how you look at it.
-Dogs and a condo…this is something I would not recommend to anyone, It is a major hassle every single day. I cant believe how time consuming it is. The dogs think they need to go outside to use the bathroom, however, once outside they find everything else to do besides go to the bathroom. This process can take up to 30 minutes a time for them to remember that they needed to use the bathroom. ARRRGGG. Luckily we will be in a big house with a big yard soon so I won’t have to deal with the condo anymore.
-I know a lot of you have wondered about the fish situation; well they are doing good for the most part. I have lost a few of my favorite corals, my favorite fish, and a tulip anemone. The fish don’t seem to like the little tanks very much because there is no place to swim or hid. Hopefully they will survive until I can get the big tank set back up.
- the last topic for today is, dead people/people in different dimensions. Lately I have been seeing a lot of “people.” Maybe it is because of the number of times I have to take the dogs out, but I see at least 2-3 per day. They really don’t do anything, some sit on rocks, some walk-up stairs, some just stand there.

I told scratz the other day that luckily none of them visit me in the shower. Can you imagine that, you close your eyes to wash your hair and when you open them again there is someone standing in front of you…it’s bad enough that I have to see myself naked but I wouldn’t want a ghost seeing me like that. I figure they must be here for the grand opening of the Legacy Highway.
-The Legacy Highway or it should be called the Lamemacy Highway. I can’t believe how much money was spent on a two lane highway with a speed limit of 55mpg. Me and scratz just happened to drive on it minutes after it had opened. They have brown painted sign poles, lots of fancy overpasses, and a nice view of the junk in businesses backyards, it’s great. I can’t believe they didn’t make the companies clean up the mess if they are trying to promote all the “scenic views” the highway offers. I also drove it into work today. I don’t really see how it will benefit most people, but we will see if there is an impact on the Monday morning commute. I personally will still take I-15 to work and maybe the Legacy on the way home. It took me 10min longer to get to work today on the new highway then my regular route.

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