Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Life Re-Scheduled

Meaningless Ramblings - It seems a never ending process of work, school, maintaining the house, re-building a car, cleaning my reef tank, and breathing is leaving little time for what some people call, LIFE. I realized I have no life as I look at the hundreds of pictures of fish, car parts

, my dogs

, and miscellaneous junk

I take pictures of on a daily basis.

One thing I will never understand is with as little time as I have, the more time is demanded by others. I have picked up a common saying lately, "I will sleep when I am dead." These days, the idea of being able to selling everything and moving to a private island seems to be more appealing by the day.

However, on a positive note, if the average person spends 1/3 of their life sleeping, maybe I am living more then the average person.

On a completely unrelated note, I am not going to my sisters for Thanksgiving.....now if the day was renamed to Ungratefulday, that might be a different story.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ungrateful Day or Nobody Cares Anymore Day. either one works.