Tuesday, August 11, 2009

SOD: Day 2

Well if you remember, I commented about the great night sleep I planned on getting after working in the yard for the day. Well that didn’t happen. My back ached from bending over, my knees hurt from crawling on the ground, and my arm/hands hurt from carrying the sod. I pretty much ached all over, so I couldn’t get comfortable at all. I tossed and turned all night long, while the whole time all I could think about was laying sod. AAARRGG.

One of the times I got up to head to the bathroom, I happened to notice someone or something in the kitchen area of my house. At first, I thought how did jersey get out of his kennel and climb on the table. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. The more I looked; I thought…maybe that is one of the kids sitting at the kitchen table doing something strange. That really didn’t make sense and then it hit me, THERE IS SOMEONE IN MY HOUSE!!!. In a matter of seconds, I was locked, loaded and ready to go. I let scratz know what was going on as I left the bedroom to find out what was going on. As I tactically moved from the bedroom, noticed that the individual wasn’t sitting at the table as I had originally thought. They were actually standing outside in a location that their head and shoulders were only visible over the kitchen table. As I made my way around the house, I turned on a few lights which must have scared them away. I did a quick sweep inside of the house, then I did a quick check outside. Luckily for them, I didn’t see anyone. I then got a drink of milk and headed back to bed. This is where I was informed by scrat that I should let her know that everything is safe and secure BEFORE I decide to get a drink. I went back to bed to attempt to get some rest. Needless to say, 7am came around pretty early the next morning.
Once I pulled myself out of bed, I got ready to head back out to the dirt patch with the intent of getting finished as soon as we could. While scratz was getting the kids up so they could help watch the baby, I went outside to check if I could see anything evidence of the “visitor”. All I found was a large pile of dog poop, where apparently the “visitor” must have been walking his dog and decided the new sod would make a great place to leave his load. I’m not sure if they will come back or not but I will be ready for them next time.
Back to the sod. Once we woke the kids up and got them fed, scratz and I began working on the yard. We worked for a good 4-5 hours, slowly making progress, when we realized that we had to much sod. With our calculations, we figured we would have an extra 3-4 pallets of sod. That’s roughly 2000 sqft of sod, more sod then it took to complete the front yard.
Here are few pictures of the sod problem we ended up having…

Luckily as we were running out of steam again, the same neighbor that helped on day 1, returned to help again. He only helped for a few hours, but it really allowed us to get more done then we had planned. Also the guy that delivered the sod showed up to pick up the pallets that the sod came on and since we weren’t quite done yet, he also helped lay some sod with us. With this extra help we were able to finish soding the yard 2-3 days ahead of the schedule I had planned on.

Once the sod was all on the ground, scratz and I sat on the back deck and took in the sight of grass in the backyard.

It has been many months of dirt, weeds, and hard work to get to where we are today. The best part is that we finished 3 days ahead of schedule. This extra time was put to good use in doing nothing at all. It has been months since I haven’t had a “to-do” list that had to be completed. I was nice knowing that I didn’t have to go dig in the yard or install some sprinkler system. Yet it was also slightly awkward not having something that had to be completed by the end of the day. I even found some time to play a quick game of Guitar Hero: World Tour.
Now I have 2 weeks that I don’t have to do anything with the yard, beside watering it. Simple pleasures are sometimes the best medicine.

Next project: clean garage

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