Friday, July 17, 2009

It's been a few...

A few days have passed since I last gave an update on my yard stuff. So, I guess I will put all the wondering minds to rest tonight. The past few weeks all I have really been doing is trying to get my yard leveled out so I can lay sod. To do this, I bought an awesome garden tractor and a box blade attachment. Scratz helped out and drove the tractor around the yard for a few hours and made pretty easy work of the un-level ground. We are still waiting for a sleeve hitch to allow us to do a final grade on the yard, but I dont know if that will be here before the sod it. I ordered it a while ago but haven't been updated by the seller to whether or not it has been shipped. Anyway, today I spent a few hours placing heads on the sprinklers and adjusting the patterns of others. One thing I did find out was that 2 of the wires that were installed to control the automatic valves, had shorted out. It took me a few hours to make a work around so I didn't have to un-bury the cable or some other ghastly thing. Once everything was connected, I did a quick test for the system and everything functioned as it should.
I still need to level out the front yard before the 5th of August because that is when the sod magically appears on my driveway. I know this blog isn't very exciting lately, but if there is not excitement in my life, it is very hard to write about it.
Ok, that is all. Now go read something else more exciting.

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