Sunday, March 1, 2009

Another week gone...

I have read many different posts about what other individuals have accomplished in the weeks gone by and I wanted to add my own list in to the fray. I am sure I could come up with one or two actual accomplishments, however, I am going list the accomplishments that I have not made over the past few weeks. One of my un-accomplishments would be performing oil changes on both scratz and my vehicles. This auto maintenance task can be added to the fact that I am yet to replace the shocks on my car and to the task of fixing big red's strange noise that makes it sound like a tank. All of these things are "must do's" but I still haven't completed them.
Another thing that I have not accomplished is listing a few items I need to sell on either the local classifieds or on eBay. I have had a few things I was going to list about 2 months ago, but again I have not completed that task either. I was able to take the pictures of the items, but I failed to transfer them to a computer from the camera. Even though I am closer then I was, I still came up short on that task.
If you were to come over to the house you would quickly seem multiple projects that I have failed to complete. These would include moving all the junk from the 3rd car garage to the basement, finish connecting the stereo equipment in the living room, moving miscellaneous items to the basement from the rest of the house, and organizing my "junk" drawer in the kitchen. All of these lead to even more things I have not accomplished. For instance, I still need to organize the basement, but in order to do this I need to move all the stuff from around my house to the basement so I can organize it all at the same time.
Next on my list of un-accomplishment, I have yet to unpack from the trip to Cancun. So I still have a suitcase sitting in the walkway of the living room. This is a nice addition when you have visitors because they have to walk around it just to enter/leave the main living area.
also haven't given the dogs a bath or cut their nails in the last 3 weeks. Luckily for me, they are locked in their kennel area most of the day and night so they don't get their dog stink everywhere.
Now that I have listed my un-accomplishments, I will list a few things I was able to complete off of my "to-do" list. One thing that was on my list is loose weight. Luckily I was able to get food poisoning the other day which helped me loose 10 pounds. Next, I was able to kick and hurt my toe almost every single day since I have been home from the trip, therefore it still isn't healed. And for the final accomplishment this week, I was able to write a new "to-do" list of everything I still need to accomplish for next week. By adding "make a to-do list" to my "to-do" list allows me to have at least one item I can cross out before the next day arrives.
I hope everyone finds this post as uninformative as I have. I figured I needed to write something since I have been slacking off again. Pretty soon here I am going to start posting about how long it takes me to get ready for work since I am running out of time to do anything really exciting to post about.

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