Monday, February 9, 2009

We're back...

OK, after a terrifying 2 months without Internet, I am back. We had to go with a different ISP because of where the new place is located, they do not have any cable lines ran out her yet. Maybe one year we will have cable Internet again, but until that day comes, at least we have something. I don't know how the world ever functioned without the Internet, I did have access to it at work to help with the withdrawal symptoms I was having. The problem with that is my work blocks everything except for a few random sites, luckily for me they still do not block eBay. This way I was still able to feed that habit as well.
So in the past 2 months of not posting, there have been a lot of interesting happenings going on. Unfortunately I don't remember them, so I wont be writing about them. I do want everyone to know, that if you have never had a baby and worked the graveyard shift, you are missing out!!! I think everyone out there should have the opportunity to work 12 hours, have a drive time of almost 1 hour each way from work, and be the day care provider for a new baby. I just want to say that is it a complete test of patients which should be shared with as many people as possible. Luckily for the parents, they get to "share" this experience at least 2 days a week. And coming up shortly, Liz and the "Creator" will also be able to bask in the excitement we like to call baby k. I know the rest of you are probably feeling like you are missing out on a great opportunity, well don't stress to much because I am sure there will be many opportunities for each and everyone of you to take a turn. As a matter of fact, if for some reason you would like to try your hand at the baby sitting gig between the hours of 8am and 3pm just let me know. (I am sure the current baby sitter would appreciate the sleep. )
Oh and while I remember, I will be doing an update on my fish here shortly for all of those fish fans I have out there. There have been some exciting additions to the maintain, I am sure EVERYONE is sitting on the edge of their computer chairs waiting for that update.
Until next time, drive slow because you never know when a watermelon might be watching.

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