Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Long time no post....

It has been easy for me not to post since I have had ZERO extra time. I remember thinking how after I graduated my life would slow down and I would have time to do "stuff"....Boy was I wrong! First off, for those of you that do no have kids, they sure are needy little buggers. It doesn't matter how fast you need something to done or if you are currently lifting 200lbs of fish water and rock. They will demand your time right that minute. If you don't give them your full attention right that second then by dammit they will keep hounding you until you do. This gets in the way of any and all attempts to be productive.
Anyways, The past couple of weeks I have been running non-stop trying to get everything ready for the big move on Friday. As partially mentioned before, I have been interrupted with other things/people that need my attention more then the packing and moving does. I am not sure if I will have everything ready to go by Friday, so I have decided to rent the moving truck for 3 days just in case. In about 10 minutes I get to run to my house from work and lock the dogs in the kennel so that the lady from the bank can take a look at the house. It's not the easiest thing for me to just leave my work in the middle of the day to mess around with the doggies, however it is just another thing I have to make time for in order to get the house sold.
Well I just got back from locking the dogs up and I also had the opportunity to fix a closet door that got pulled off of its tracks.
By the magic of the internet, here is the dogs in their kennel

Tonight scratz and I are kid free until next Monday so we will be packing like crazy. We didn't get much done over the weekend because it took us 3 days just to move the fish to their new temporary location at the condo. I am hoping it doesn't take as long to move just the tank or to set it back up when the new house is complete. Speaking of the new house we did pick out our colors last week and here is a sample.
Interior colors:

Exterior colors:

We also found out that the design for the new home has been redesigned for this year. This means that even though there is one home in our development which has the same model name, the two houses will not look the same. With this great news, this will mean that not only are we getting all the new features that will be found on the 2009 model line, there will not be any other homes in our area that look the same.

I was going to type more but I have work that I actually need to be doing. I just wanted to give a slight update of the situation so nobody wonders if I fell of the face of the earth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was actually wondering if you fell of the face of this earth because I can't see you through all the boxes!