Friday, August 29, 2008

And the VP is......

On to a little politics...the big O (and I dont mean Opera) had a major speech at the city of "O"-lympus. I'm not sure how well he will do with his new running mate of "Fighting Joe." On the other side of the ring, McCain pulled a virtually unknown from the ranks, with his choice of Palin as his running mate. I don't care if you're hoping for the chosen "O"ne or if you like "old man" McCain, the choice of Palin will make for a good fight from here on out. For the conservatives, she meets the requirements that McCain doesn't.
Furthermore, she adds the fact that she is a female, which possibly could sway some of the Hillary voters to the Republican side. This choice makes the race for president seem as it just started (even though the past 18 months have been the same old game.) I am personally looking forward to how both sides market their strengths and abilities to the public. I have already decided who I will vote for However I will keep that to myself to help further the Political discussion.

Until the next posting.

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