Thursday, July 10, 2008

Getting ready....again....

Today, I met with the real estate lady today. I have decided that there is not enough room in this house for all of us. It really hit me at about noon on Monday. I had worked the night shift and had been trying to sleep with the sound of two girls doing who knows what at 10am in the morning. By this time I had just hit REM sleep and was woken up. Then at noon, I woke up to use the restroom and low and behold it's occupied. AAAARG. Not only was it occupied but the individual using it was taking a shower. Now I have nothing against clean people, however the people who I just so happen to live with have a habit of taking showers that are entirely too long. I personally could take up to 5 showers for the amount of time these people spend in the shower. Im not sure what they are doing in there, but I beleive I could watch the entire 4 hour - directors cut of Dances with Wolfs in the same amount of time and still have time for tea. Anyway, by time I was able to get into the restroom I was going to die. This is when I came to the concllusion that this house is not big enough for the 5 of us. So I am listing my place for sale again in the attempts to find something larger.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

haha i'm sorry. but yeah the first line is a bit redundant. :)