Saturday, May 17, 2008

Since the Creator asked...

I still can't believe the creator doesn't know the sounds of all the wonderful creaters that he made. But I am willing to help him out in exchange for some bonus points since I will need them when scratz reads that I am talking about sloths again, I am going to get stabbed in the back of the head with a wooden dowel. Anyways to answer the question of "what noise do sloth's make?".

The answer is "The three-toed sloth emits a long, high-pitched call that echoes through the forests as "ahh-eeee." Because of this cry these sloths are sometimes called ais (pronounced "eyes")."

{insert picture}


Anonymous said...

you passes the pop quiz. Bonus points for you.

now, what sound does a grafe make?

z said...

I only know the sound of a dying grafe.