Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The end it near....

Well, tonight is my last class for school. I AM DONE!!!! I would like to thank all those that had a major role in me succeeding. They say behind every good man there is a great woman. (thanks Scratz xoxo) It took 3 years 1 month to receive a double bachelors and work full time on rotating 12-hour shifts. So to celebrate......I ditched class!!! HA HA HA HA HA. Just like in high school, I never went to the final day of school, so why start now? I am so glad to be finished for this session. I was planing on going on a great vacation, spending time on the beach and just relaxing. However, I get to help scratz move tomorrow and probably for the next three days. I did buy me a few new toys to reward myself with such a great job. I will be posting a few of the things I bought a little later. I dont have much to type right now because I am just relaxing and thinking of all the sorry SOB's that are sitting in class counting the minutes until class ends. We didn't have any assignments due, I think tonight is just a "give everyone a hug" night. I don't much care for "hugs" so I am much better off sitting here at my house, no homework to work on, no real demand for my time, and just eating "N" tacos.

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