Sunday, April 27, 2008

Update "For My Fans"

In case not everyone got to view the spectacular production as seen in by blog For My Fans... This awesome production consisted of 2 main elements. First, the picture of the REAL Easter Bunny! This is truely a rare find and everyone who has the privalege to see it actually earns +3 points in heaven. Second, the "sound track" is the one and only, scientifically proven and called "The Sound." You might be saying to yourself, there is no sound on that video. If this is the case, consider yourself OLD. There in all acuatuallity is a "sound track" to the Easter Bunny. The sound is one that only Teens and younger can hear.
As far fetched as this may sound to you OLD people, just have one of your kids or niece ornewphews in the same room. Without telling them, Turn the volume up on the computer as loud as possible, and click play. Watch them squirm.
According to the actual tests, they say that depending on hearing and development people up to the ages of 25-28 can sometimes hear "the Sound". So if you can hear it, consider yourself young.


Anonymous said...

Now that you reminded me I finally had my kids listen to it and they couldn't hear anything. Maybe it didn't work. Too bad you're way too old to ever know for yourself...hahaha!

Nicole said...

I hate that noise. Most people in my school have it as their ring tone so when their phone goes off the teachers don't hear it. i hate it.

My history teacher did it at the beginning of all of his classes one day last year to make everyone shut up. he couldn't hear it though. (becaue he is old)...the sound is awful.