Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pavlov’s Dog….

Another day in class, just enjoying the discussions and the goings on around this place. It’s amazing how the same people do the same things every week. I would have to say, I have fallen into this same process as well. Every night at class, I head to the cafeteria and get my mashed potatoes and BBQ pork. In my travels, I see the same security guard every time. He is an older fellow, which you can tell he hasn’t missed a meal in his life, who just so happens to sit and stakeout the food line.
From my classroom door, you can see him head down to the cafeteria, just minutes before break. When break time comes for the rest of the students, it takes me about 3 minutes to head down to the cafeteria, since I’m a little way away from it. When I get there, I always see the security guard is there waiting, drooling, watching, and wanting. He sits, in a chair, just feet way from where the food is housed. You can see his eyes following the food as it’s scooped up and placed on the students trays.. I don’t think he is actually stationed there, I just believe, like Pavlov’s dog, he knows his food is coming. As I stand in line, I watch him, over and over you can see him licking his lips. Then when you least expected it, the cafeteria lady, hands him off a plate of food……and he’s gone……This occurs while the cafeteria lady is helping everyone else. I don’t know if it’s pre-planed and the food has already been pre-served or what. But the guy takes it and goes. Not so much as a thank you. He is just gone. I guess this could just be a working benefit that he receives because he is protecting the students. Im not sure what he is protecting us from, because unless you are watching him to see if he gets food poisoning before you eat your lunch/dinner than I think he is about as worthless as throwing a shoe at someone. Oh well. Luckily this Santa Packs his own “lunch”
Oh by the way, this class is BORING…..(now can I join the cool “bored” group?)


Anonymous said...

maybe the security guard has parvo.

Anonnymouse said...

sounds like he might need to be "put down" too!