Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Food time...

Here I am in class again(2 more courses to go then I am done) and I was hungry so I went down to the cafeteria to get something to eat. They really don’t have the best selection, but it is food. Since I always see others posting what they are eating, I wanted to add my gourmet treat to the world of the internet. Tonight I am having some type of mashed potato with BBQ pork. I have had this before and it wasnt to awful. However tonight I received a bonus. The lady dishing up the food asked me if I wanted CHEESE!!!! Awesome.… Well I couldn’t pass up the cheese, I’m not sure if it changes the actual flavor of it. However as many of you know, I have been recently diagnosed as an addicted to milk products. So when I have the opportunity to have cheese or milk, I am required by law to partake of it. Since I am not fond of breaking the law on some things, I had accept the cheese or face the consequences of my actions.

On a related note to food, me and scrat are no longer dating because she will not let me have my buttered corn. Now you might ask if I mean buttered popcorn, but no I mean taking a stick of butter, putting it in a bowl with a can of corn and then eating it. Well she has the audacity to say that this is not healthy. The last time I tried eating this delightful goodness, she actually poured the yummy buttery soup down the drain. All the time she was saying something about heart attacks and other hocus-pocus.

Well, That’s all for tonight, the teacher is making us take a closed book quiz so I guess that means no internet for me.


Anonnymouse said...

just make sure she dosent find the sticks of butter you keep in the glove box for those times when you just feel snacky!!!!

Unknown said...

I'd stop dating her too if she took away my favorite food. How rude.

Nicole said...

That food looks disgusting.