Thursday, February 7, 2008

Your Kidding Right?

I guess since my "sister" decided to share her "opinion", with the public, I will respond to the public.
I will be honest that I didn’t read the whole post, but yes I am VERY PROUD of my future child and my RELATIONSHIP with Girlfriend. I'm sorry this pregnancy wasn’t convenient for you. As a matter of fact this pregnancy was planed, in a way. This isnt like I just met my girlfriend and I'm NOT some 19 year old girl that thinks she had the holy ghost tell her that she had just met her future husband. This was a secret more for the fact that, I was being nice and didn't want to steal your thunder since your having a girl. It was intend to be a secret from you and That is way my mother was told to keep it a secret. However, everyone I know knows, and everyone she knows, knows so it cant be much of a secret. If you want to know why your "little" brother has a problem with you, is because you cant mind your own business. I don’t know what the point of your blog is, are you trying to protect me from the dumb decisions you made? I think I have a better grasp on things then you do, I am 33, college educated, and have had ZERO kids, I think I have a good idea how life works. Just dont expect any invitations to anything from me. Im sorry that you had a hard life, but I think mind has been great so far. Don't expect any invitations any time soon, you are the queen of bridge burning. You can just keep in touch with my ex who did cheat on me and leave me for someone else, since you feel the need to like her more than my current, even though you dont have a clue on who she it. I LOVE HER and her KIDS and that’s all that matters. Thanks for nothing.


M.O.M. said...

So... my sending a Christmas card to your ex and telling her that we are expecting somehow has been a breech of family decorum? How exactly? and what bridge did I burn? I said some pretty nice things about you and I am sorry that I do not know Rachel- at all. I have heard many stories though and they don't all paint her in a great light. When exactly has she or I ever even made an attempt to speak to each other, I have seen her only once for heavens sake. Take my thunder and have a great time with it. Don't invite me to anything or infrom me of anything that is you or right and your usual choice of behaviour anyway.

M.O.M. said...

I am truly sorry. I hope your baby is healthy and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

wow....that's all i can say
