Thursday, December 13, 2007

Family Problems

Well, apparently my family is full of problems and now I think I am getting mine. For my last 4 days I have been getting migraines. I have no idea what is bringing these on, but they are very annoying. It starts with weird flashing lights in my eyes, that leads to the lose of sight, that leads to a MASSIVE headache. During this process, I lose my ability to think, talk correctly, or write correctly. THis is getting in the way of work and school. I tried to write an essay that is due, but I cannot write sentences that are understandable. I dont even know if this blog will make sence because what I think and what is typed are not the same. It is very strange. I dont know if this is a brain problem or what. With all the other illnesses and problems the rest of my family has, I wonder if I might have surcome to the "pears gene" If this is the case, then I would think this might be the final proof that I may not be adopted. Either way I dont know if something is really wrong with me or all my schooling/stress/job/life has caught up to me. The funny part is, this is the first time in months that I have only had 1 class to deal with, so I cant see how stress would be the cause. Oh well, I guess if my brain explodes during the night, and after the 2 weeks it would take someone to find that I am dead, you will know that it must have been the migraines. Have you ever sat there an wondered how long it would take for someone to find you after you died. Most married people probably would only take a few hours at most, single people living near family might take a day or so. Single people who do not live near family and do not have close friends that frequent the living area could take anywhere from two weeks to 2 months. Old people with no friends, no job, no family, and no contact with outsiders can take years to find. Usually they are only located when the Tax man comes looking for payment. Anyways, the point of this blog is to let everyone know I have a migrain and my head hurts. Also if you have suggestions on relieving migranes please forward them to me.


Unknown said...

wow- I love those migraines that start with the rainbows of light across your vision... it's pretty, but then the stabbing pain comes along to ruin the light show and I can't think straight, speak straight, and/or I have the grand need to vomit. . .

My migraines ALWAYS start in my right temple and it feels like having an ice pick jammed into my head.

I get a pretty harsh migraine at least once every couple of months but sometimes under extreme stress they come as often as once every couple of weeks.

I really noticed them while I was on my mission after I got hit in the head with a car, so back then I went to the doctor and he prescribed Imatrex (?). That didn't really help. it's a medication you have to take BEFORE it turns into a full blown migraine, and apparently I would always wait too long.

My solution: 4 Advil migraine pills, an ice pack for my head and a very dark & quiet room. Usually followed by a 4 hour nap.

No, I have not been back to a doctor about them even though I should, but they just cost me money and prescribe me drugs that don't work and aren't covered by my insurance.

Jessica Pears said...

I was going to suggest shock therapy but that's not very funny.