Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Is Holloween over?

After reading a blog about an individual that has experienced seeing ghosts and having ghosts in their home as a child, I decided to write this blog. This will probably be another long winded blog, so prepare yourself. Also from reading this, most people will decide that I am a little crazy but that is ok. From a very young age, I have had the ability (or curse) to see very strange things, some people might call them ghosts or spirits, I call them distracting. In the house I spent the majority of my life in, there were always strange things taking place. One of my very first experiences occurred when I was probably 5-6. I was lying in my bed sleeping when I felt a presence by me. When I opened my eyes, I was started to see a young boy’s face directly above mine. He was leaning over the side of the bed as if you get a good look at me. He had blond hair which was in a bowl cute and he had blue eyes. As the boy saw that I was awake, the stood up. Terrified, I sat up in bed as I continued to look at the boy and he was looking at me. He smiled as if he was happy to see I was awake and could really see him. I was scared and I called out for my mother. When I did this, the boy appeared frightened. He then turned and ran towards the closet in my bedroom, where he disappeared. I forced myself out of bed and went to my mom’s room to have her investigate the situation and look for this boy that I had just seen. She basically told me to go back to bed and because there was nothing to worry about. This experience was only the beginning of the many different people that would come and visit me at night. Back then I was completely terrified of these visitors and didn’t know what to think of them or what to do. Because of this, I actually use to stay up all night to “protect” my family from these visitors. There was many times, I would see a strange figure standing above the bed of either of my brothers at night. They never did anything other than just stand there and every in a while my brothers would wake up and be scared of what they saw. For instance, my brother would always talk about an old man dressed in white that would come and visit him during the night. He would always scream and wake up most everyone in the house. Little did he know this old man had visited him many times throughout the years and he never realized it.
As I grew older, I continued to see these types of things throughout my life. This always seemed to scare me no matter how many times it happened. Usually when I saw something, I would hide under my blankets and pray that they would go away. Sometimes this worked and sometimes it didn’t. Later in life, I decided one day to force myself to make contact with the next visitor I saw. One night, I was at my home, lying in bed sleeping. I again felt this strange presence in the room, I woke up and saw this woman standing on the far end of the room. I forced myself to keep my eyes open and not to hide under my blankets. As I looked at this unknown figure, I noticed she was wearing a summer type dress and had brown shoulder length hair. I never heard her speak a word, but I got this positive feeling that she wasn’t there to hurt anyone and she was just going about her business. (which just so happened to include scaring me to death) Even though I was terrified of the situation, when she finally left I realized there was nothing to be scared of. Since that time, I have had many interactions with these visitors at work, at home, or on the road…literally. An example of this would be the time of a terrible head on collision that ended up killing a lady in her twenties. After the wreck was cleaned up, I was driving past the area since it was in my beat and I saw this younger lady sitting on the side of the road. Obviously this was strange since it was a cold night and no one should have been out in that weather. As I drove closer, I called out on my radio that I would be out of my vehicle on a pedestrian stop. As I did this, she disappeared. Not thinking much of it, because I have seen A LOT stranger things happen I cleared and continued on my way. The next day I was on patrol in the same area and the family of the lady that had passed away had posted a pictured in a makeshift memorial for the lady. This is when I realized the person I had seen the night before, was the person in the picture. These types of things happened more and more during my time as a police officer, I think I saw more dead people then I did people who were alive. The last visitor I saw was my cousin when he died, I was told to give a message to his mother. Since that experience I have chosen to not “see” this type of thing anymore. It hit a little too close to home. From that experience, his parents looked to me as to if I had some answers to the “why” which obviously I don’t.
Along with seeing these visitors, I have had very strange things happen to me, like little practical jokes. Keys ending up in the dishwasher, Light bulbs being taken out of lights and placed in strange places, items being misplaced and then when they show up weeks later they are not only in plain sight, but they are in a spot there is no way they could have been over looked. This might not seem like much but it really gets annoying. A bout a year ago, I decided to put an end to this. I just got sick of dealing with it. Have you ever been pushed down the stairs when you’re the only one there? I could go on for YEARS with strange stories, but this has been long enough now the world knows I am crazy. This is fine because my family already knows I am. I choose to ignore all the signs I use to see, I don’t know why I have had these visitors and I don’t feel the need to find out. Ignorance is bliss.


Unknown said...

interesting that the little boy would run towards the closet since there used to be a door there. hmmm... and I don't think you're crazy, just a little strange.

M.O.M. said...

When we moved up here there was a mean man that "lived" in the trailor that we rented. He would scream at me during the night and open the closet door when I was alone during the day. He was definetly not a friendly visitor. I thought that I was going crazy until later when Kenji said he always felt something "dark" in the trailor. I think that you are truly not alone in your ability. Still it is freaky.