Thursday, November 29, 2007


Well, I finally have the garage door that I have been waiting for ever since I moved in my house 5 years ago. Not only did I get a garage door, but I also put in a real door to the back of my garage. It has been a chainlink gate which was worthless. ( I will be selling this on ebay, claiming it has the image of "Mary" if anyone is interested) I wonder if this will be like when I end up buying rims for my cars. Every time I buy rims, I end up selling the car a few months later. I dont know why but it always happens. So now that I have this door, I wonder if that means I am going to sell my house soon? Well here are the highly anticipated pictures...


Anonymous said...

These pictures are an example of why I can't wait to steal your cell phone. I hate it how your pic's look better than mine!!! :(

Unknown said...

everytime I buy new tires for my car I get in an accident... I think buying new things is just asking for something to happen to them.

but the doors look nice. Hope this stops your bird problems.

Anonymous said...

I think you should write us a new story when you're in class tomorrow! :)